Monday, June 15, 2009

magical classification

so i've been thinking about who i am a lot lately and it's led to soul searching and the sort. this manifested itself last night in a deep conversation with my good friend jon newman, who also designed my blog page (thank you for that again, you're the best!), and we discussed what houses we would belong to at hogwarts. jon is a very shrewd character and as expected he was put in ravenclaw. surprisingly, the briggs-meyer test resulted in my placement into ravenclaw. i decided that i would most like to be in no, not the stereotypical gryffindor, but rather hufflepuff. but please hear me out, i have my reasons that are revealing about my character. i am primarily drawn to the house of badger because of the good hearted nature of it's inhabitants and more importantly, the imminent opportunity to lead with the recent departure of cedric diggory. this is telling of my character in that i'm not drawn to people because of their intellectual capabilities but rather the goodness of their hearts. i also enjoy the God given desire to lead others successfully and i feel like those characters are generally moreso drawn to the likes of being a gryffindor lion. nevertheless, i would really enjoy the personalities of those that roam the earthy den that is the hufflepuff common room as oppose to the pompous slytherins, cerebral ravenclaws or even the valiant gryffindors. it's really just biblical to be around those who are good in heart, i mean look at this.

Psalms 37:1
1Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.

i rest my case.

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