Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1st grade journal, revisited

in an effort to express the current state of affairs in my life, which i would say are at more of a low tide, footprints disappear in the sand stage, this sophomore address will be in a simple form.

i like california and if you're not here, i'll straight up mourn for ya. i like chicken nuggets and i like what happened to the denver thuggets. i like to eat ice cream with a blueberry and i don't think that having some sprinkles makes me a fairy. i like the banana boat and i'll take milk and cookies any day over a root beer float. i like to smile with d1, after long days of talking with ladies in the sun (that's my boy gettin it done!) i like to listen to michael scott, or maybe dan allan, they both drop it like it's hot. i like sunny days and cool water on my feet and talking with newman, that boy don't miss a beat. i like to think about my baby niece/nephew even if your months old is less than two. i like to think about my dog titus and my main man rudy lee and know that you both miss me. i like to put my hands together and pray walking out by the bay after a typical project day. i like that i share a bed with kfed, he's just my bro and i know that we'll be tight wherever we go. i like to run and play and just know that i can't be stressed, i'm blessed and i'm followin He who's best. i like to play with my friends even if we don't ride in a benz, we enjoy just living a life where Christ paid for our sins.
good night friends, much love
-mandy candy

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