this summer has just been something else friends. i've never been more humbled and amazed then i have over the course of the previous two months. coming home to perkins for a summer of support raising for my internship with campus crusade for christ wasn't on my top 10 list of ideas of fun things i want to do with my life, but it's been both phenomenal and nauseating at the same time. the stories of people's lives have blown me away and the guidance and comfort i've received is something i treasure. it's been a process but i see that it's an opportunity for these people to be a part of reaching lives for Christ, which is amazing. it's just been amazing to see the Lord's faithfulness amidst all my doubt and anxiety. my favorite parts have been the sweet growth experiences filled with those moments of deep despair followed by hearing just what i need to hear right when i needed to hear it. spending so much time with my family has been great too, they're soo great. but a few observations:
1. fireworks blow my mind. tightly, compacted gun powder and chemicals that when ignited shoot multiple football fields into the air and erupt into symmetrical, color changing, perfectly shaped lights in the sky? coomee onnn. how much does God love us that he would give us stuff like that just to look at? i vote that we should celbrate our country's half birthday as well. i think this would also lessen post christmas sadness. just a thought.
2. another mind boggling thing to me is how people are swooning over 25-3o year old men and where they'll play professional basketball at next year. i've seen interviews with cleveland residents claiming "the town just won't be the same" and "i don't know what we'll do without him." my question is on what level has a 25 year old basketball player ever met any of your phsyical, financial or emotional needs? i read the title "ohio on edge as it awaits le
brons decision" for reals? i'll be honest, i put my hope into sports as well. oklahoma state, okc thunder, dallas cowboys, even a usa soccer team that i can't name more than 3 players on the roster. i'm just as bad but here's a thought:

"we were created for a ferocious, epic battle for the Lord, but for some reason, we try and satisfy that desire with sports."-matt chandler
only 3 things are eternal: God, his word and the soul's of men. too often, i live life in light of my entertainment and not in awareness of the eternal implications of my surroundings. God defines greatness as to how much can we give our life away to those around us (matthew 20:26-28) and not based off how many points we can score in basketball/how freakishly high we can jump. it's constantly a process for me to keep definining myself by who i am in Christ and not based of my lack of a vertical.
but i hope you had a great 4th of july and are having a great summer! God bless.
-mandy candy
Steven(Cough cough ross), Love the blog. The layout is stinkin hilarious. Genius! Good luck on raising support. At least you can start hitting up your friends with jobs now too. lol wishing you the best.