Friday, November 5, 2010


i don't think i like to analyze this word in relation to me. with pride from natural growth in understanding, skepticism ensues in my life and that doesn't always play out in a pretty way.
some of the questions to ask are what do i believe in and what does that mean in my life? how strongly do i believe that? when anything challenges what i believe in, how do i respond to that? i would say i'm definitely an unusual combination of laid back and strong willed but how does my personality rub situationally?
tangibly, conflict brings this out. as i have a deep faith that God loves and accepts me unconditionally, why do i respond in an unbelieving way? when any situation resulting in my ways or desires being disregarded, i'm called to arms. my time and schedule, my want to spend quality time with a friend, simply a need to shift my perspective from me to someone else, often if not always brings discomfort.
"and we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." romans 8:28
yeah paul, i hear you. down the road, i'll more than likely be very thankful for the embattling situation as it's very likely this is building and changing me into who i want to be. but right now, i don't believe that's whats best. i firmly believe in my infinite wisdom of 22 years of age that this other situation and accompanying outcome is what's best for me.
it's so silly but nearly anytime i'm offended, these thoughts rise to the surface. how do you respond when you're pressed friend? do you believe in the underlying truth that you're sure of when things are going great? or do you default to a selfish bitterness that a "me first and above all" society teaches? just a thought, have a great day friends.
mandy candy

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